camera obscura造句

"camera obscura"是什么意思   


  1. Uricchio , william . " there ' s more to the camera obscura than meets the eye . " manuscript
    《暗房比四目相对有更多的内涵》 (手稿) 。
  2. The photo was created using the centuries - old principle of " camera obscura " after a gumball - size hole was opened in the hangar ' s wall , allowing a tiny beam of light to enter
  3. According to this theory , the image was made with the aid of a magic lantern , a simple projecting device , or by means of a camera obscura and light - sensitive silver compounds applied to the cloth
  4. He made the first successful photograph ? an image of his courtyard , seen from his house ? by putting a pewter plate coated with bitumen ( a light - sensitive material ) in the back of a camera obscura , a black box with a pinhole
    他是历史上第一个照出相片的人,是从家中拍到的庭院图象,通过将覆盖沥青的蜡盘放在相机“黑室” ? ?有针孔的黑盒子的后边,拍出照片。
  5. For a number of historical and technical reasons , hockney envisions a camera obscura based not on a lens but on a concave mirror ( curved inward like a shaving or makeup mirror ) , which can also project an image onto a screen
    由于历史与技术上的若干理由,霍克尼推想出一种不采用透镜、却利用凹面镜的暗箱(凹面镜是一种内凹的镜子,比如刮胡子或化妆时用的镜子) ,这种镜子也可以把影像投射到屏幕上。
  6. It's difficult to find camera obscura in a sentence. 用camera obscura造句挺难的
  7. Such a mirror - based camera obscura is simple by today ' s standards , but at the time of van eyck it would have represented the most sophisticated optical system on the planet , requiring greater precision in the shape and arrangement of the mirror and more stringent requirements for illumination than any known system
  8. His mind seemed to turn , on the instant , into a vast camera obscura , and he saw arrayed around his consciousness endless pictures from his life , of stoke - holes and forecastles , camps and beaches , jails and boozing - kens , fever - hospitals and slum streets , wherein the thread of association was the fashion in which he had been addressed in those various situations


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